In this world, you are either one of two people, someone who keeps their butter in the refrigerator or someone who does not. Because butter is technically a dairy product, many people swear that they keep their butter in the refrigerator so that it doesn’t go bad. But on the other hand, many people keep their butter in a closet without any problem. So what’s the right way to store butter?

According to Simple Most, it is not necessary to store butter in the refrigerator. Why not? Well, although butter is a by-product of dairy products, the manufacturing process of butter allows it to be free of pathogens. In fact, the way butter is made and processed makes it very resistant to disease, bacteria and other factors that cause dairy products to spoil.
However, there are a few things to keep in mind to keep unrefrigerated butter as fresh as possible. Simple Most sat down with Ben Chapman, a food safety expert and professor at North Carolina State University. First, Chapman revealed that salt plays a key role in keeping butter fresh. The saline solution of salt and water that surrounds the fat molecules in butter is what keeps bacteria away.

Second, Mr. Chapman indicated that it is important to store the butter in proper conditions. It is best to store butter away from oxygen and sunlight, preferably in a cool, dark place. If you store the butter in a butter dish in a drawer or cupboard, you should be ready to go.