It just takes two minutes to get rid of flies and mosquitoes by spraying this natural repellent that you made yourself.


Summertime brings warm weather and plenty of outdoor activities, but it also brings unwelcome guests: flies and mosquitoes. These pesky insects can quickly ruin a pleasant evening in your backyard or a peaceful night indoors. While store-bought pesticides might seem like an easy solution, they often contain harmful chemicals that pose health risks to humans, pets, and the environment. Fortunately, there’s a natural alternative that you can make at home in just two minutes. This simple yet effective homemade repellent will keep your home fly-free and mosquito-free without exposing your family to toxic substances.

The Problem with Chemical Pesticides

Before diving into how to make your own natural insect repellent, it’s important to understand why you might want to avoid commercial pesticides. Many of these products rely on powerful chemicals that can be harmful in various ways:

  1. Health Hazards: Ingredients like DEET and permethrin are common in commercial insect repellents. While they effectively repel insects, they can also cause skin irritation, respiratory issues, and even neurological problems in some people, especially with prolonged exposure. Children, pregnant women, and individuals with preexisting health conditions may be particularly vulnerable.
  2. Environmental Concerns: The use of chemical pesticides contributes to pollution in the air, water, and soil. When sprayed outdoors, these chemicals can kill beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies and even harm birds and small mammals. Indoors, they can linger on surfaces and in the air, impacting indoor air quality.
  3. Resistance Development: Over time, insects like flies and mosquitoes can develop resistance to chemical pesticides, making them less effective. This leads to a cycle of needing stronger and potentially more harmful chemicals to keep the insects at bay.

Given these issues, many people are turning to natural alternatives that offer a safer way to repel insects without the downsides of chemical exposure.

Why Choose Natural Repellents?

Natural insect repellents are gaining popularity for several reasons:

  1. Safe for Everyone: Unlike chemical-based products, natural repellents use ingredients that are safe for humans, pets, and the environment. They minimize the risk of allergic reactions and other health concerns.
  2. Eco-Friendly: Natural ingredients decompose quickly, reducing their impact on the environment. They do not contribute to pollution or harm beneficial wildlife.
  3. Cost-Effective: Many natural repellent recipes use common household ingredients, making them an affordable alternative to store-bought products.
  4. Pleasant Smell: Natural repellents often contain essential oils, which leave a pleasant aroma rather than a harsh chemical odor.

How to Make Your Own Natural Insect Repellent

Creating your own natural insect repellent is incredibly easy and takes just two minutes. Here’s what you’ll need:


  • 120 ml (1/2 cup) of Vinegar: Vinegar is a powerful natural deterrent due to its strong scent, which most insects find unpleasant. It’s also safe to use on the skin and can soothe insect bites if they occur.
  • 25 ml (1.5 tablespoons) of Mint Essential Oil: Mint essential oil has a refreshing aroma that repels mosquitoes and flies. Its cooling effect can also provide relief from itching or irritation caused by bites.
  • 120 ml (1/2 cup) of Vegetable Oil: Vegetable oil serves as a carrier for the essential oil, helping it stick to surfaces and the skin. It also acts as a moisturizer, which is beneficial for the skin.


  1. Mix Ingredients: Combine the vinegar, mint essential oil, and vegetable oil in a clean spray bottle. The vinegar and oil may separate over time, so it’s important to shake the bottle well before each use.
  2. Apply as Needed: Spray the mixture around your home, focusing on areas where flies and mosquitoes are most likely to enter, such as doorways, windows, and patios. You can also spray it on your skin for personal protection, but avoid contact with your eyes and mouth.
  3. Reapply Regularly: For maximum effectiveness, reapply the repellent every couple of hours, especially if you’re spending time outdoors.

Enhancing the Effectiveness of Your Repellent

While the basic recipe is effective on its own, you can enhance its potency with a few additional ingredients:

  • Citronella Oil: Adding a few drops of citronella oil can boost the repellent’s effectiveness. Citronella is a well-known natural mosquito repellent with a pleasant lemon-like scent.
  • Lemon Eucalyptus Oil: This essential oil is another excellent addition. It offers a fresh citrus aroma and is highly effective against mosquitoes.
  • Lavender Oil: Known for its calming properties, lavender oil also repels insects. Its soothing scent can create a more relaxing atmosphere while keeping pests away.

Other Natural Methods to Keep Insects at Bay

In addition to using homemade repellents, consider these additional natural methods to keep your home and outdoor spaces insect-free:

  1. Use Plants as Natural Repellents: Certain plants naturally repel insects. Consider planting herbs like basil, rosemary, and thyme around your home. Marigolds and chrysanthemums are also known to deter mosquitoes and flies.
  2. Eliminate Standing Water: Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so make sure to empty flower pots, bird baths, and any other containers that may collect water.
  3. Keep Doors and Windows Sealed: Ensure that your home is properly sealed to prevent insects from entering. Use screens on windows and doors, and repair any holes or tears promptly.
  4. Maintain Cleanliness: Regularly clean your home to remove food crumbs and other attractants that can draw insects inside.

Conclusion :

Making your own natural insect repellent is a simple, quick, and effective way to protect yourself and your family from flies and mosquitoes without relying on harmful chemicals. By using safe, natural ingredients, you can enjoy a pest-free environment and peace of mind knowing that you’re safeguarding your health and the planet. Whether you’re enjoying a summer evening on your patio or relaxing indoors, this homemade solution provides a reliable defense against pesky insects. So why wait? Mix up a batch of this natural repellent today and experience the benefits of chemical-free pest control. It’s a small step toward a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle that you won’t regret.

Source of the picture : Barbara O’Neill Lectures