I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that every summer there are more and more insects. You even avoid going out after dinner, when the insects seem to multiply and start preparing their attacks.
However, you shouldn’t risk spending time outdoors because of pesky pests. Instead, try this easy and inexpensive trick from Newsner to deter insects from lurking in and around your home.
Here’s what you’ll need for this simple project:
a sturdy freezer bag
a pinch of table salt
a splash of lime juice
a few coins
a little water
First fill the freezer bag with all the other items on the list. After sealing it, hang the bag over the door or anywhere else in your home that insects like. Wherever you hang the bag, make sure it reflects sunlight. If you want to hang the bag somewhere in your home, indoor lamps will also work.

If you’re wondering how hanging a bag of water can scare flies away, here’s the answer. When water and coins reflect in the insects’ eyes, they become disoriented. They find it difficult to see and fly, and quickly learn to avoid the area where the bag is hanging. The best thing about this trick is that it’s totally humane: no chemicals or insecticides are needed!
While you may get some sideways glances and questions, people who have tried this method swear by it. After all, if you can protect your favorite outdoor spaces for reading, barbecuing or just relaxing in peace, why wouldn’t you?

It is important to remember that insects (especially flies) carry a lot of bacteria. As soon as they land on something, they transport those bacteria to food, skin and any other surface. In addition to carrying tons of germs, they lay eggs wherever they land. And those eggs end up turning into maggots.

If you want to protect yourself from these problems, try this tip. Although citronella candles can work for short periods, this method is much more useful. Another tip: flies hate the smell of basil. It might be a good idea to plant some basil plants in your favorite outdoor areas. Plus, you’ll have plenty of fresh herbs to cook with.
It’s a win-win for everyone.