Never throw away apple peels: Soak them in a glass with vinegar


In the world of culinary creativity, every ingredient has a hidden potential waiting to be unlocked. Often overlooked, apple peels possess a treasure trove of nutrients and benefits that are too valuable to discard. Instead of relegating them to the trash bin, discover a brilliant way to repurpose apple peels into a homemade culinary delight: apple cider vinegar. Let’s delve into this ingenious method that not only reduces food waste but also offers a flavorful addition to your kitchen pantry.

Recipe: Apple peels, often tossed aside after enjoying the fruit’s succulent flesh, hold a wealth of health-enhancing properties. Embracing the philosophy of waste reduction and culinary ingenuity, transforming apple peels into homemade apple cider vinegar is a simple yet rewarding endeavor.


  • Apple peels or leftover apple scraps
  • Water
  • Honey (1 tablespoon per liter of water)


  1. Gather your apple peels or leftover apple scraps, ensuring they are clean and free from any contaminants. If using whole apples, wash them thoroughly with a mixture of water and baking soda to remove any pesticide residues.
  2. Sterilize a glass jar to prepare it for the fermentation process.
  3. Place the apple peels or scraps into the sterilized jar, filling it more than halfway.
  4. In a separate container, mix lukewarm water with honey, using approximately 1 tablespoon of honey per liter of water. Stir until the honey is fully dissolved.
  5. Pour the honey-water mixture over the apple peels in the jar, ensuring they are completely submerged.
  6. Cover the jar with a breathable cloth and secure it with a rubber band to allow for proper fermentation.
  7. Store the jar in a warm location, maintaining a temperature around 20 degrees Celsius, for approximately 4 weeks. Check the jar weekly and remove any white patina that may form on the surface.
  8. After 4 weeks, your homemade apple cider vinegar is ready for consumption.
  9. Strain the vinegar through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove the apple peels and any sediment.
  10. Transfer the strained vinegar into glass bottles and store them in the refrigerator to maintain freshness.


With a bit of creativity and resourcefulness, apple peels can be transformed from overlooked scraps into a culinary staple: homemade apple cider vinegar. By embracing this innovative approach, not only do you reduce food waste, but you also elevate your culinary creations with a flavorful and versatile ingredient. So, the next time you enjoy a crisp apple, remember the hidden potential of its peels, waiting to be unlocked in your own kitchen. Cheers to sustainable cooking and vibrant flavors!