Protect And Restore Your Wood Floors With These 9 Simple Hacks


Wood floors make our houses warm and give character to them. The only bad thing about them is that they’re really hard to maintain. From dents, scratches, and general wear, wood floors can easily take more beating than other types of flooring. If you have hardwood floors in your home, check out these useful hacks for restoring them without needing a professional.

1. Remove Permanent Marker Stains

Permanent marker stains are always predictable especially if you have children. To remove them, put some toothpaste on the stains, let sit for 10 minutes, then wipe it off with a clean cloth.

2. Remove Gum

There’s no struggle like getting gum off hardwood floors. To remove gum from your floors, take an ice cube and hold it on the gum. When the gum freezes, you can scrape the gum away with a sharp tool.

3. Magic Erasers

If you want to clean the scuffs and surface scratches off your hardwood floors, use Magic erasers. It’s the cheapest and easiest solution!