San Jose Builds First Community Of Tiny Homes For The Homeless


The construction of each small house cost about $6,500, and the entire project cost a little over $2 million. In addition to these small homes, the community has shared bathrooms, kitchen space, laundry facilities, common living rooms with computers, internet access, bulletin boards, and a security officer who sits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at a patrol station near the front door of the community.

source: The Mercury News via Dai Sugano/Bay Area News Group

While these small homes are intended to be transitional housing, San Jose joins other cities, such as Denver, Seattle and Oakland, in providing its homeless residents with a safe place to live and sleep while they strive to find stable employment and a more permanent living situation. Hats off to San Jose for launching this incredible project, and we can only hope that other cities will follow suit in the years to come.