Everyone uses toothpaste to brush their teeth, but do you know its other uses? Did you know that toothpaste can help heal a bruise? This is just one of the many unusual home remedies using toothpaste that bloggers rave about.
- heal a bruise
Mix toothpaste with lotion and apply the homemade ointment to the bruise before bedtime. Cover the bruise loosely and rinse the area in the morning. Repeat this process until the bruise disappears (2 to 3 days).

2- treat acne
If you apply non-whitening toothpaste (no gels!) on a pimple at night, it will dry up the next morning.

3- deodorize your hands
If you’ve been chopping garlic or handling fish, you may be eager to rid your hands of those unpleasant odors. Toothpaste deodorizes your hands the same way it does your mouth.

4- Relieves insect bites
Bitten by a mosquito? Apply a drop of toothpaste on the bite to relieve itching or pain. This home remedy helps with all kinds of skin conditions, from sores to blisters.

5-Clean your nails
To make your nails shinier and stronger, rub them regularly with toothpaste. If it works on your teeth, it should work on your nails, right? Be sure to scrub both under and over your nails.

6- shine silver and brass.
You may be surprised to learn that toothpaste can be used off the body. It can also be used to shine and polish silver and brass. Try lightly scrubbing your precious metals with a soft toothbrush treated with a little toothpaste. Rinse well and polish the materials with a soft cloth.

7- clean the bathroom sink
Toothpaste acts as a natural abrasive and deodorizer, so it works wonders on bathroom sinks. Toothpaste can also be used to polish chrome faucets and remove water spots. Just rub with a little toothpaste and rinse.

8- make chafing disappear
Eliminates scuffs on leather and linoleum. For leather shoes and bags, rub the scuff with a soft cloth and rinse with a damp cloth. To clean linoleum, rub the remains with toothpaste and a dry cloth.