That Slimy Laundry Detergent Cap? It’s Actually Meant To Be Tossed In The Washing Machine


You know, when you discover one of those life hacks that are so banal, but at the same time surprise you? Well, I’ve just been informed of one of them. And it has to do with something as simple as the cap on the detergent bottle you use to wash your clothes.

source: NBC26 / Adobe Stock

I think it’s safe to assume that when doing laundry, most people pour the detergent into the cap that comes with the bottle to measure the detergent and make sure they don’t pour too much detergent into the machine. But when we do, the detergent always ends up sticking to the cap, and ends up running down the side of the bottle. This results in a waste of sticky detergent, and my bottle always seems to have animal hair and dust stuck to it.

source: CafeMom / iStock

Well, folks – it’s your lucky day. Because I’m going to give you a tip that will change your laundry routine forever. Most detergent lids have a note printed in tiny letters on the bottom of the lid. This note indicates that you can wash it with soap and water to remove the detergent residue, or just throw it in the washing machine with the rest of your clothes when you’re done using it. Yes, I have never known this either!