The 9 Most Common Causes Of House Fires And How To Prevent Them


In 2017, firefighters responded to 1,319,500 fires in the United States, according to the National Fire Protection Association. Of those, 3,400 were civilian deaths, 77 percent of which occurred as a result of residential fires. While these statistics are frightening, there are many things that can be done to prevent house fires from occurring. Here are the nine most common causes of house fires and how you can prevent them

  1. Unattended cooking

An alarming number of house fires occur each year when people leave the stove on while cooking. If you’re cooking on the stove or in the oven, the general rule is to stay in the kitchen until the cooking is finished and watch the food closely.

  1. Portable heaters

Portable heaters can overheat very quickly. Most fires caused by portable heaters are the result of the heater being inadvertently placed near combustible materials such as bedding or clothing. If you use a portable heater, make sure it does not overheat and that you stay in the same room while using it.

  1. Candles

Many house fires occur each year because candles are left unattended or forgotten to be lit. If you burn candles, make sure they are in the same room and away from children, pets and flammable items.

  1. Electrical Wiring

Every year, a large number of fires are caused by frayed or damaged electrical cords and too many electronic devices plugged into one outlet or extension cord. If you find damaged cords, get rid of them. Also, don’t overcrowd electrical outlets and extension cords with devices on them.

  1. Old or improper wiring

If the wiring in your home is old or incorrect, you run the risk of experiencing a house fire. Make sure all of the wiring in your home meets current housing code standards.

  1. Smoking.

It’s hard to believe we’re talking about this, but smoking is the cause of a ton of house fires every year. If you smoke, make sure you do it outside and extinguish your cigarette carefully afterwards.

  1. Leave the kids at home

Kids are curious, but unfortunately, this can lead to fires. Be sure to keep matches, lighters and other items that use fire away from children.

  1. Barbecue

Barbecues are meant to be outside, but they can easily burn if the grill is near an outside wall, table or tree inside the house.

  1. Dryer

You may not be aware of dryer lint removal, but failure to do so causes an alarming number of house fires every year. Dryer lint removal should be done every time, and exhaust fans should be cleaned at least once a year.