These 8 Attitudes Reveal That You Were Emotionally Neglected as a Child!


Emotional neglect in children occurs when parents do not meet their emotional needs as they should. But sadly, this phenomenon can be observed as much in families where the parents were absent as in families where the parents were full of love.

We can understand that it only takes one misperceived word, one misunderstood action for a child to be marked all his life. In this case, the most important thing to do is not to blame your parents, but to know the problem and how to solve it.

8 attitudes that reveal emotional neglect during childhood!
1- You don’t trust your loved ones:
You are a person who likes to stand up for himself, although the people around you give you advice. This can be translated by a lack of support, a lack of attention of your parents towards you during childhood. This pushes you to live alone and it can be exhausting for you, so try to work on this character.

2- You take care of others more than yourself:
It’s easier for you to accept the faults, failures of others than your own and this can be a reflection of a childhood marked by the spectre of negative criticism of your relationships with others. So the best thing to do is to consider others as yourself, as much as you have compassion for others, you should have some for yourself.

3- You lack self-discipline:
You tend to make a lot of resolutions without concrete results, because you have difficulty overcoming your weaknesses, defending your ideas or doing what you have to do. The truth is not that you can’t, but that you don’t deeply want to, so decide and act.

4- You feel a void:
The first impression in this situation is to believe that everyone is above you and you are not worthy. You have so little confidence in yourself that you doubt your actions. The thing to do in this case is to rebalance your feelings and act with full confidence.

5- You feel you have gaps:
There is always something wrong with you, at least from your perspective. You live like a guilty person, because you deeply believe that you have a problem inside you. Know that there is nothing wrong with you, it is probably due to a stress that you suffered in your childhood.

6- You feel more connection with animals and nature than with people:
You find it more difficult to connect with people than with animals and nature and this seems normal to you? Although animals are adorable and pure, love without hypocrisy and are easy to love, they can’t advise you or answer your questions. So it is imperative for you to start opening up to your loved ones more and more.

7- You sometimes seem unhappy for no apparent reason:
You tend to feel anxious, sad or sometimes depressed, but the funny thing is that no reason can justify your state and this makes you angry. The best thing you can do is to look for friends with whom you have a good time, people you can trust and with whom you will get through this moment in the best way.

8- You like solitude:
You feel misunderstood in your environment, so isolating yourself seems the only way for you to survive. You have a real difficulty in meeting and exchanging with others, so you don’t go to places or events open to the general public. But once you find friends, people who understand you, you use every means to keep them.
Once you have identified signs of childhood emotional neglect, the best thing for you to do is to find a real friend and share your difficulties. Together, you can work your way out of it or you can simply see a specialist. Don’t make light of your situation, or you will end up reproducing it on your children.