Genetics is a science that never ceases to amaze us. Many of us may not know much about it, but it is safe to say that nature has done some truly amazing things. From a family with an unprecedented number of fingers to a boy with eyes like you’ve never seen before, scroll through the most unique genetic traits.
Both mother and child have rare heterochromia.
When a woman becomes pregnant, her greatest concern is what her baby will look like. Sometimes one gene is stronger than the other and the child literally becomes a copy of both parents. That is exactly what happened to this mother and her son.

When her son was born, no one expected him to be born with the exact same heterochromia as her eyes. The result was a unique and unforgettable pair of swirling blue and black eyes.
This girl has both albinism and heterochromia.
What are the chances of being born with two such strong genes? However, the girl, Amina Eppendiva, could not have looked more unique. Because of albinism, she has less melanin pigment in her skin, hair, and eyes than other people.

Heterochromia, on the other hand, causes her eyes to split into two different colors. The combination of these two conditions simply makes him look like one of the most unique people in the world.
This boy was born with a birthmark that will never be forgotten.
This condition is rare, but one or two may have seen it before. This condition, known as freckles, is a rare genetic disorder in which certain cells called melanocytes are absent from birth in certain areas of the skin.

The condition usually results in white patches on the skin, especially on the forehead, and white hairs may also grow in that area. Because this condition is so delicate, it is not recommended that patients dye this area of the head.
They are a close pair, both with leukoderma.
Vitiligo is a fairly common disease in which white patches appear on a person’s skin. The severity of the disease varies from person to person and is usually caused by a lack of melanin in certain areas of the skin.

This 8-year-old boy, Carter Blanchard, was born with vitiligo and often felt different from others as he grew up. One day, however, he discovered his twin dog, Roddy, who was also born with vitiligo. From the day they first met, these two best friends became inseparable.
This man’s eyes have a unique pattern.
This man’s wife’s eyes have a very unusual pattern, so he ended up posting them on the Internet. She was born with clear light blue eyes, and the color is unique enough, but with a little added genetic spice.

Upon closer inspection, the eyes have an unusual pattern, almost like a flower. The combination of eye color, pattern, and mesmerizing sunset light is a clear indication that this unique feature is well drawn.
Partial heterochromia from birth
If heterochromia is already a fairly rare condition, imagine a person who is born with partial heterochromia in both eyes. This person is actually born with a different color. This person was actually born with a different color in both eyes, a condition called fan heterochromia (incomplete heterochromia).

The cool thing is that not only are the eyes different colors, but each eye has a dominant color and a few other colors. Her right eye is predominantly brown and her left eye is predominantly green.
This girl was born with two hairs, one blonde and one brown.
One imagines that this girl might have been suspected of really being born with two different hair colors. Wherever she went, people were bound to think it was an elaborate fashion statement from the beauty parlor. As a result, her sister decided to post this unique feature online, showing photos of the girl in 1989 and in more recent years.

Born with a perfect parting line, blonde on the left and brunette on the right, there is no doubt that she totally rocks the look.
This girl inherited a gap in her eyebrows.
When we think of heredity and genetic traits, we do not particularly consider the possibility of a gap in the eyebrows. However, apparently this girl’s family has a gene so strong that she cannot ignore the eyebrow gap that has been passed down from generation to generation.

This photo shows an ancestor with the exact same eyebrow gap as when she was born. Obviously, this means that certain traits are passed on.
Boy Born with Cat Eye Syndrome
This young man from China was born with an extremely rare condition that few people know about. Nong Youxi was born in southern China with a condition called cat’s eye syndrome. With this condition, he can basically see almost perfectly in the dark.

Interestingly, his eyes reflect light differently at night, which is said to have improved his night vision. However, the problem with this syndrome is also that his eyes are very sensitive to light.
This baby was born with a lot of hair.
Now, this is not something you see everyday. Usually, when a baby is born, he is either almost bald or has only a little hair. There are exceptions, of course, but most do not reach this level. Look at the hair of a small baby chunk. They are thicker than adult hair.

But what was even more surprising was that the hair kept growing. In this picture, the baby is 7 months old. Have you ever seen anything like this?
Unique eye patterns and fan-shaped heterochromia
Interesting eye colors and patterns seem to be more common than we think. Take this person, for example. They are born with fan heterochromia, a puzzling pattern in their eyes that cannot be ignored.

In fan heterochromia, the characteristic green eyes have a very small portion of brown in them, a pattern that is out of this world. Some people even say that the pattern resembles a turtle’s shell.
This baby was born with a distinctive birthmark!
Bruises come in many different shapes and sizes, some of which go unnoticed, while others stand out if someone sees them. This baby has a very unique birthmark on his head. The birthmark is perfectly shaped like an upward pointing arrow and her parents couldn’t stop taking pictures to share the phenomenon with friends and family.

We wondered if this baby’s birthmark would simply be hidden under the hair that would grow out as she grew. If not, she might look like Rogue from “X-Men.
Who has bruises in her eyes.
Bruises on different parts of the body are common, but did you know that some people have bruises on their eyes? Yes, apparently there is such a thing as an iris mole, which is basically a freckle on the eye, but yes, there is.

Studies show that about 6 in 10 people have it, so it is much more common than we know. Sunburn and other factors can affect the appearance of this birthmark. It looks a little like an eye tattoo!
Born without fingerprints.
This is a very rare genetic disorder in which a person is born without fingerprints, including fingers and toes. This genetic disorder is called “dermatocele,” which basically means the absence of lines on the skin or fingers. We wanted to know to what extent this affected their daily lives.

This condition has only been reported in five families worldwide, which shows how rare it is. It must be a headache to explain the condition over and over again, since fingerprints are required for so many things these days.
This man has the longest arms.
This man posted on Reddit about the length of his arms, which are quite spectacular. According to his Reddit post, he has 5’9″ arms and a 6’6″ wingspan. Not sure if he is a great swimmer like Michael Phelps. His arms are the size of an adult male! His arms are the size of an adult male. I know it was hard to find long-sleeved shirts and jackets for this guy, but I hope it is not too cold where he lives.

In addition to his unique features, he is incredibly tall. As you can see from this photo, he fully embraces his individuality and totally rocks his height and long arms.
This man has an unusual belly button.
Here are a few belly button facts you may not know. First, there is a big misconception that the way the belly button is formed has something to do with the way the umbilical cord is cut at birth, but this is not true. In fact, the shape of the navel is formed while the baby is in utero and is related to the way the skin around the umbilical cord is stretched.

So it doesn’t matter whether the navel is on the outside like this person or on the inside like most people, it all comes down to the time spent in the womb.
Making the Most of Special Conditions
There are many skin diseases in the world, some of them serious, but others, like the girl in this photo, have consequences that inspire a person’s creativity. According to her post, she has a skin condition called dermatophytosis, which makes her more sensitive than normal and causes even the slightest wound to rise.

And after fully embracing the condition, she sometimes uses it to draw patterns on her skin and walk around wearing them like tattoos. In this picture, they have drawn a beautiful flower.
Another heterochromia called central heterochromia
Now that we have learned about complete heterochromia and fan heterochromia, we are faced with another surprising variation. This girl has published a photo of a rather unusual eye color caused by a disease called central heterochromia.

Rather than a unique eye color, this person has a different color around the pupil and a different color in the rest of the eye. The color around the pupil is usually golden like this.
This woman is like her own twin.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, own twins do exist, and it is not uncommon for them to do so. Taylor Moore, one of the unique carriers of this rare genetic disorder, explains what it means to be one’s twin, or chimera, as it is called.

According to Muir, “I have two sets of DNA, two sets of blood cells and immune cells. The two skin pigments on my torso are made up of two different genes, mine and my twin’s. This particular chimeric condition of mine is associated with an autoimmune disease.
This entire family has six fingers on each hand.
This Brazilian family is perhaps one of the most unique families in the world, having been born with 12 fingers. The disease is caused by a genetic disorder called polydactyly, which is essentially a deformity with extra fingers on the hands.

It can occur in three locations on a person’s palm: in the middle of the palm, where it is least common, next to the thumb, also called thumb duplication, and next to the little finger in its most common form.