This Homemade Garlic Milk Is The Magical Remedy Of Sciatica and Back Pain


The Ingredients:

1. Garlic, crushed.
2. Milk.
3. Honey for sweetener.

The Instructions:

Pour the milk in a pan and add your crushed garlic to it. After, boil it on low heat while stirring throughout the whole boiling process. When it finally comes to a boil, take the heat down, let it sit for a while to cool down, then add the honey to make it drinkable.

Drink it while it’s still lukewarm and you have to do it once a day until you feel some progress.

This milk recipe doesn’t only soothe your back pain and sciatica, it can also heal many other health problems. You can find them here in this list below:

  • It helps with insomnia and improves sleep.
  • It helps with blood circulation.
  • Soothes arthritis symptoms.
  • Supports the liver and prevents jaundice.
  • Fastens the recovery of the body.
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Relieves coughs and chest congestion

So if you drink this milk every day, you’re going to benefit from all of its health benefits.