Tips To Make Your Produce Last Longer


Get Rid Of Rubber Bands.

Usually, I grow my own green onions, but sometimes I get them at the store. They generally come packaged together with a rubber band. I have seen that they last more on the off chance that I remove them from the rubber band. If your vegetables accompany a rubber band or tie-wrap, evacuate it when you get them home from the store.

Store Them Properly.

Not all things are put away in the ice chest. Potatoes, onions, and avocados grow put away at room temperature. Bananas improve if you break them separated and don’t leave them in a bundle. Ensure you store each fruit or veggie the manner in which it ought to be put away. It will enable them to last so any longer.

Freeze Them.

If you see a portion of your vegetables and fruits are turning sour, then freeze them. That’s the thing I end up doing with a lot of my raspberries. My child ends up getting them as a snack just from the freezer. Most vegetables and fruits freeze well. Regardless of whether they get a little soft, they’re still good for smoothies.

Stop throwing out food and start saving money with these easy and simple tips. What tips do you need to keep your produce for longer?