Try These Homemade Magnesium Gummies To Fight Insomnia, Anxiety, And Stress!



  • 3/4 Cup Juice (like natural lemonade)
  • 3 Tbsp Gelatin Powder (use grass-bolstered, natural choices)
  • 5 Tbsp Magnesium Citrate Powder (try different things with various flavor blends)
  • 1 Tbsp Sweetener (Organic pure sweetener, crude honey, stevia, and so on.)
  • A Pinch of Salt


In a medium blending bowl, consolidate cold juice and slowly rush in magnesium powder. It froths, so include a tablespoon at once and trust that the froth will fade away in the middle.

In a small pot, pour in the juice/magnesium mix and sprinkle gelatin powder over the top before turning on your burner. Allow it to represent a couple of moments until the blend shapes a gel. When any white powder or bunches are gone, your gelatin is ready.

Turn the burner on medium-low, including your sugar of decision and salt once the blend condenses.

Empty the blend into a glass estimating cup with a spout, and fill a silicone mold or small baking dish to set.

Refrigerate to set, and cut into squares or pop chewy candies out of the form.

This formula makes around 35 chewy candies, with each holding about 69mg of magnesium. As excess of magnesium can deliver a diuretic impact, make a point to start slow and develop to the prescribed every day esteem. Store in the cooler in a sealed shut holder, and make the most of your chill pill gummies to mitigate your anxiety and get the greatest night’s sleep!