Why You Should Add A Tea Bag To Your Sink Full Of Dirty Dishes!


Oily dishes

The greater part of us discard our pre-owned tea packs, yet you should spare them in the wake of understanding this! Individuals who don’t claim a dishwasher will especially cherish this stunt. Tea is flawless to battle oil, so a couple of tea sacks prove to be useful when attempting to clean filthy dishes. Tea will break down oil, making it a lot simpler to clean your pots and dish.

Filthy dishes

The most ideal approach to achieve clean dishes is to wash them following use. In any case, we as a whole realize this doesn’t generally occur. Who has time and energy to do that? You can take a stab at placing the dishes in a sink brimming with water to try to drench the food, but we have a lot more intelligent and faster other options: tea.


Are your grimy dishes especially oily? Fill your sink with high temp water and put the dishes in the water. Add three tea sacks to your sink loaded up with water (and your dishes) and leave it medium-term. The following day, your dishes will be a lot simpler to clean. Lunch breaks down oil, so adding some tea packs to your grimy dishes will ensure they’re spotless in the blink of an eye! Cool trick, isn’t it?