According to another study conducted by the University of Arizona, bacteria can live a long time on the soles of shoes. Scientists believe this is because new bacteria continually grow on top of old ones. Another study by the University of Houston found that coliforms, which are universally found in feces, were present in 96% of shoe soles. What is perhaps even more surprising is that 27% of that number contained E. coli. No, thank you.

If the feces and E. coli on the bottom of your shoes weren’t enough to make you think twice about wearing shoes in the house, what about the practical reason for not wanting to drag dust, mud, dirt, leaves, insects and anything else outside into the house? Even if you don’t think much about wearing shoes in the house, you should get into the habit of taking them off as soon as you walk out the door, for the sake of a clean house and your health.