Why you should stop ordering lemon water in restaurants

Bar clients hand taking a glass of water with lemon served by the waitress

When you go to a restaurant to eat, the waiter usually asks you whether you prefer still water, sparkling water or lemon water. Although lemon water has many health benefits, it is best to drink it at home. According to a number of studies, lemon water served in restaurants is certainly not a drink you should be drinking.

source: Blackdoctor.org

ABC News conducted a study of the 10 most germy places in a restaurant. By rubbing lemon wedges, they found that half of the lemons tested were contaminated with human faeces. You’re probably thinking, “How on earth can lemons come into contact with human waste?!” Well, ABC’s cameras caught employees grabbing lemons with their bare hands, without using gloves or even tongs. If they hadn’t washed their hands properly after using the toilet, it’s easy to see how this could be a reality.

Another study, published in the Journal of Environmental Health, tested 76 lemons from 21 different restaurants. They found that nearly 70% of the lemons tested were covered in microbes and other bacteria, including E. coli (which can cause serious illness and other health problems). Can you say yuck?

source: Water Natura

We already know that restaurants are not always the cleanest places. To avoid coming into contact with nasty germs, always wash your hands before eating. And personally, I will never order lemon water in a restaurant again.