You should not forget these 10 things during the winter


During the winter, there’s no better place to stay at than your house because it offers shelter, protection, and warmth. Sadly, most homeowners tend to forget some tasks that are necessary to have a warm and comfortable house.

Winter means freezing cold in many areas, that is why you have to make sure to do some tasks like preventing pipes from freezing to avoid water damage, repairing what needs to be repaired. This sounds a little bit too much to do, but it is a necessity.

1. Protect pipes

You should make sure to prevent your pipes from getting burst or frozen by removing the hoses from outside faucets and putting them away until warm. Make sure to insulate the pipes and make sure that the heat never drops below 55 °F. If you travel a lot and your house remains empty most of the time, then consider buying a programmable thermostat.

2. Remove window screens

Window screens do not always prevent snow build-up against the windows, because snow can get trapped between the window frames and the screens, and that can damage the sills. Removing window screens is the best move because you will let more light come into your house and that way you’ll be improving the solar heat gain.

3. Check windows and doors

During the winter, you should minimize the quantity of cool air that comes into your house. For that reason, you should inspect all of your doors and windows to make sure that there are no cracks or cracks. Make sure to caulk if you want to prevent cool air from getting into your house and make sure to replace all of the missing or worn weatherstrippings.

4. Clean fireplaces

Creosote always builds up in fireplaces and can most likely cause a house fire, that is why you should call a professional chimney sweep to remove the built-up creosote. If you own a gas fireplace, then you should check up the chimney for blockages like debris and nests and clear them out.

5. Clean gutters

Cleaning gutters is an essential thing to do because if water does not circulate freely through gutters, then ice dams and leaks that should be expected (this problem can damage the gutters, roof, and siding). Make sure to clear the gunk from the gutters using a telescopic gutter cleaning wand.

6. Check safety devices

If you have carbon monoxide detectors in your house, make sure to constantly replace the batteries and test the detectors at least once a place especially if you have a gas fireplace (same applies to wood-burning fireplaces).

7. Make an emergency supply tote

During the winter season, many things can go wrong that is why you should be ready to face any situation that gets thrown at you. Make sure to put a first-aid kit, matches, candles, shelf-stable food, flashlights, batteries, and bottled water in a large tote. This way you will be ready to face a winter storm easily.



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