You should not forget these 10 things during the winter



8. Check the heating system

If you have an oil-based heating system, then make sure that your tank is full of oil and make sure to clean the furnace once a year right before winter. If you have a natural gas heating system, then you should clean the furnace at least 3 times a year. If a room is colder than the other rooms, make sure to bleed a radiator or check for blocked vents, and if the room remains cold or you start hearing a weird noise, then you should call a professional heating company to investigate the potential causes.

9. Change window treatments

During the winter, every heat source is important, that is why you should let in some natural light into your house to improve solar heat gain. Make sure to replace dark curtains and dark window panels with sheer valences, and make sure to keep the blinds open all day long.

10. Prepare for ice

Having a snow shovel and a pet-safe ice melt is very important. Use the snow shovel to shovel the driveway, steps, and walking paths, and sprinkle the ice melt on cleared areas to prevent slipping accidents.


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