Your toilet cleaning routine will be easy with this


As hard as it is, I’m going to try to be mature about this. Imagine walking into the bathroom and being greeted by the smell of expired pee. And fossilized yellow droplets clinging to the bottom of the toilet, the walls, and if you’re particularly unlucky, the windows.

And what are those disgusting saturnine rings that hug the base of the toilet? Urine… everywhere. It’s well known that households with boys (and men, ahem) can expect to live with the effects of a horrible goal. It’s also well known that no one likes to clean. Nobody.

That’s why a group of Idaho parents have come up with a solution to ease the pain of accumulating spills. Cindy and Chris Covington, parents of five boys, invented a product called the Potty Protector. This sleek contraption acts as a splash guard to minimize damage.

Like many great inventions, the story of this creation originated with a common problem. Cindy kept telling Chris that she was tired of cleaning up the messes their boys made – the splashes, drips and puddles. One day he went out to the garage, then came back with a modified bucket that he attached to the toilet bowl.

Image of bucket on toilet bowl.

“What’s that?” was Cindy’s first reaction. But after a week of using it, she only had to clean dust from her toilet. Soon, the Covingtons’ friends wanted to try one. Thus, the Potty Protector was born. She tells East Idaho News:

“It guards all of that extra fine mist spray that just happens with little boys, and even teenagers, and even grown men, and even older, older men.”

Fine mist spray is one way to put it, but it goes into the toilet rather than everywhere else. The Potty Protector is designed to fit any toilet and can be easily cleaned and stored. There’s also a nifty handle on the back for picking it up without touching the surface.

Cindy runs the company as its CEO and the product can be found on the website. Since launching a successful crowdfunding campaign through Kickstarter, the Covingtons have been able to manufacture and fill orders for the Potty Protector. So far, it sounds like it’s been a game changer:

“I just have had so many moms wanting it, and they were just all saying how much it has changed their life of not constantly having to wipe down the bathroom.”