10 Pieces Of Housekeeping Advice Our Grandmas Passed Down To Us


We often have a rather special relationship with our grandmothers. Not only do they love us unconditionally, but they also give us tremendous wisdom in many aspects of our lives. One of the things grandmothers are good at is keeping the house clean. Here are 10 housekeeping tips that we inherited from our grandmothers and hope to pass on to the next generation.

  1. Do a thorough cleaning in the new season.

You know the importance of spring cleaning, but your grandmother knew that every new season requires a thorough cleaning of the house. In the new season, clean the windows, rip out the carpets, vacuum the cabinets and organize the closets.

  1. Use flour sack tea towels

Instead of using paper towels and generating a lot of waste, buy tea towels in flour sacks. They don’t leave lint on the dishes and dry quickly. If it was good enough for Grandma, it’s good enough for us.

  1. Use products like the ones your grandmother used to use.

Old-fashioned products have survived because they have stood the test of time. Use tried and true cleaning products like Bar Keepers Friend, Castile Soap, distilled vinegar and baking soda. They clean like no other products.

  1. Clean as you go

Save time and energy by cleaning up small messes as you go. Clean dishes used in the cooking process. If makeup or toothpaste spills, wipe down the sink immediately. It’s much easier to deal with small problems than a long list of cleaning items.

  1. Make your own wipes instead of buying them

If you can make your own rags, there’s no need to go out and buy them. Cut up old T-shirts and other used cloths and put them in the cabinet under the kitchen sink. You can use them to clean everything in your house.

  1. Hang them up to dry at home

Grandma knows that nothing makes a house smell better than fresh air. On days when it’s calm outside, open the windows throughout the house and let the air circulate. It’s incredible what a difference fresh air can make to your home.

  1. Naturally whiter teeth

To naturally whiten white clothes and sheets, simply use lemon juice. Add lemon juice to a bowl of hot water and soak your white clothes for an hour. Then wash as usual.

  1. Reuse old bed sheets.

If your white tablecloths, napkins and other sheets are a little old, your grandmother would never throw them away. Instead, she dyed them with tea.

  1. Unleash the power of vinegar

Distilled vinegar can be used to clean many things around the house. Grandma knew that if she fixed a plastic bag full of vinegar around a clogged shower head, it would soon be good as new. Just leave it to soak for a few hours.

  1. Develop good habits

A little effort each day will go a long way. Practice good habits every day, such as making your bed correctly, putting away the dishes, taking out the trash before it spills, and sweeping the floor.