10 tea tree oil health effects you should know about


5. Have smoother skin

Tea tree oil has a powerful oil in it that is called melaleuca oil, it is a strong antioxidant with a lot of properties that can improve the appearance of wrinkles and age spots.


6. Eliminate ringworm

Ringworm is a skin infection that is considered to be VERY contagious. But there’s nothing to fear because numerous studies in the medical field have shown the effectiveness of tea tree oil on ringworm and how it could stop its spreading spree. To properly use tea tree oil, dilute three drops of pure tea tree oil in a carrier oil like olive oil or almond oil, then apply it directly to the affected skin and use it to wipe down items that you have contacted while carrying the fungus.


7. Relieve the athlete’s foot

Use a 25 to 50% tea tree oil to deal with fungal infections that cause athlete’s foot and you can also use a 10% cream to relieve the symptoms of the fungal infection like itching, burning, and scaling. The 10% tea tree oil has the same effects as Ting, Tinactin, and Genaspor.


8. Reduce cold and flu symptoms

Tea tree oil can relieve symptoms linked to chest infections, colds, and coughs. To properly use tea tree oil, make sure to rub it directly on your chest before you go to bed to inhale the oil when you’re asleep. You can also apply some on your pillow.


9. Strengthen hairĀ 

Apply tea tree oil to your scalp to stimulate blood in order to prevent hair loss, to encourage healthy hair growth, and to maintain a healthy scalp.


10. Mouthwash

Tea tree oil is a potential tooth decay fighter. All you have to do is to dilute a drop of the essential oil in a cup of warm water. Keep in mind that tea tree oil should not be swallowed, so make sure to spit it out when you’re cleaning your teeth.



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