6. Vacuum hose
If you have an exhaust fan in your bathroom, then make sure to clean it every once in a while. You can use a step-stool and a hose to clean it by removing the fan cover and rinsing it off in the sink, then using the vacuum hose to get rid of the built-up dust. Once done, pop everything back into place.

7. Lemon juice
One of the worst smells that you can face is the smell of urine. If you have to deal with this smell, then mix baking soda with lemon juice to make a paste. Once done, spread it on the toilet seat, toilet base, and every potential pee-contacted area and let it sit for 10 minutes. When the time passes, use vinegar to spray the paste and use a damp cloth to wipe it up once it finishes fizzing.

8. Bar Keepers Friend
Bathtubs are known to get dirty relatively quickly and to be extremely hard to clean. To clean them easily, run some water into the tub to wet everything up, then sprinkle a thin layer of Bar Keepers Friends on the wet surfaces, then scrub gently over everything, then rinse the tub by using running water.
9. Bleach
Mold is a dangerous and disgusting thing that you should get rid of as soon as possible. It can build-up in bathtubs and showers especially in the grout along the tub base or along the wall. To deal with mold properly, soak some cotton coils in bleach, then press them against the moldy areas and let them sit for an entire night. The mold will magically disappear and you won’t find any sign of it after removing the coils.

10. Denture tablets
The toilet tank should be a matter of cleaning as well. Cleaning the toilet tank is one of the easiest things to do, simply drop denture tablets at night before going to sleep and let them sit for the whole night. Once you’re awake, flush the toilet so that the solution can clean the bowl.

11. Peroxide & baking soda
The grout between the tiles is one of the trickiest things to clean ever. You can that job easier, simply mix baking soda with peroxide to make a paste, then spread it all along the grout lines and make sure to press it generously into the grout. Let it sit for an hour, then wipe it away using a cloth soaked in warm water.