12 Life-Changing Health & Beauty Hacks You Wish You Knew Before!


DIY Beauty Hacks Every Girl Should Know.

Apply Glue Before Nail Polish: Glue is a less expensive option in contrast to items that do precisely the same thing. You should simply apply some paste around your nails (on your skin), let it dry, and afterward apply the nail clean. Purpose behind this? Well when you’re done painting your nails, you can without much of a stretch strip off the paste and no paint will have jumped on your skin.

Winding for Split Ends: This is a magnificent hack on the off chance that you have hair that gets split closures effectively (like mine). Simply take an area of your hair, a large portion of the segment, at that point turn it around one another, and if there are any closures standing out, cut them.

Lipstick Hack: A part of brands guarantee you a 24-hour enduring period, yet we as a whole know they’re liars. Fortunately however, there’s a hack for that (shock). When you’ve wrapped up your lipstick, get a tissue, and afterward softly dust the tissue with translucent powder. (I love this powder).

Eyeline with Lighter: This is most likely one of the crazier wellbeing and excellence tips. Turns out lighters aren’t only for lighting cigarettes. You can go through them to warm a pencil eyeliner and it will immediately turn into a darker progressively extreme shading that will make your eyes pop!