14 People Who Are Taking Parenting To A Whole Other Level


8. Parking Lot Hack

To keep a child from wandering in a parking lot when you’re trying to load up the car, get a magnetic hand sticker and have your child place their hand on the magnetic hand until you’re ready to go.

9. Medication Hack

If your child is on some kind of medication, label the bottle with a chart. You can cross off the days and times when you administer the medication. That way, you won’t forget whether you’ve given them their medication or not.

10. “Painting” Activity

On a nice day, send your child outside with a bucket of water and a paintbrush. Pretend they are a firefighter, and their next job is “painting” the fire station floor.

11. Tub Playpen

Need to shower but have a child to watch? If your bathtub is in view of your shower, fill up an empty bathtub with your child’s toys and plop them in. Your child will hopefully stay entertained and within your view long enough for you to get a shower in.

12. Safe BBQ Hack

To keep your child a safe distance away from a hot barbecue, secure a child’s safety pen around it!

13. Car Seat Labels

We never like to think about emergency situations, but it’s important to be prepared for everything. Fasten a label with your child’s medical history and other important information (including blood type) to their car seat. In the event of a car accident, having this information on hand is extremely helpful to paramedics and first responders.

14. Help With Vacuuming

And if this isn’t parenting done right, I simply don’t know what is.