16 dish soap uses you wish you knew before


Almost everyone uses dish soap to clean dishes only. But only a few know that it can be used for many other things and serve many tasks, like for example, dish soap is used to get rid of hazardous oil from animals. Here are 16 more uses of dish soap you wish you knew before.

1. Unclog toilets

source: Mr. Rooter

Dish soap can be useful for you to unclog your toilet. It can break down oils and other things that cause clogs. All you have to do is put some dish soap in your toilet’s bowl then pour in some warm water, then you can either flush or plunge.

2. Kills fleas

source: Fab How

If you have a dog or a cat and you feel that they might have fleas, then give them a bath with some warm water and Dawn dish soap.

3. Protect houseplants

source: The Guardian Nigeria

I bet you didn’t know that dish soap can protect your houseplants. Just mix a few drops of dish soap with water then pour the mix into a spray bottle, then start spraying your houseplants.

4. Preserve paintbrushes

source: wikiHow

When you are done cleaning and rinsing your paintbrushes simply add some dish soap to the bristles to keep them moisturized. This method can also prevent bristles from breaking.

5. Soften cuticles

source: Fab How

Softening your cuticles can be very expensive, but instead of wasting your money in a manicure, simply use dish soap. All you have to do is to mix a couple of dish soap drops with warm water, then soak your fingers in that solution.

6. Remove clothing Stains

source: The Today Show

Dish soap can also come in handy if you want an alternative way or a DIY way to remove stains from clothes, just mix 2 tablespoons of dish soap with 2 cups of warm water and 2 tablespoons of distilled vinegar, then take the blend and apply it to the stained spot and let it sit for about 20 minutes, then start washing normally.

7. Silence a squeaky hinge

source: Trial And Style

This method does not take much mental or physical effort, simply apply dish soap to the squeaky hinge and you are good to go.

8. Clean makeup sponges

source: Beautylish

This is another surprising use of dish soap. Take your makeup sponges and wash them using warm water and dish soap, then carefully rinse them. This method works for makeup brushes as well.

9. Remove Gum From Hair

source: Simply Good Tips

Gum stuck in your hair is a total nightmare, but fear not because dish soap is here to save the day. Apply some dish soap to the gum stuck in your hair and wait for a couple of moments and the gum will start breaking down.

10. Moldable ice pack

source: The Make Your Own Zone

If you want to make a moldable ice pack that won’t freeze, simply blend dish soap with water in a 50/50 ratio, then pour the mix in a ziplock bag then put it in your freezer.

11. Clean brushes and combs

source: Pinterest

Brushes and combs should be cleaned at least once a week or once every 2 weeks, and dish soap will help you do just that, simply mix liquid dish soap with Borax and warm water, then soak your brushes and combs in the solution.

12. Defog glasses

source: Steemit

It is winter and it is a suffering season for people with glasses. To make sure that your glasses are fog-free, mix dish soap with rubbing alcohol and water and put the mix in a spray bottle, then start spraying it on your lenses, then wipe them using a soft piece of fabric.

13. Remove grease stains

source: NetMostWebDesign

If your driveway contains grease or oil stains, then use dish soap. Simply pour dish soap on the stains, then grab a brush and start scrubbing away the stains, then use water to rinse.

14. Degrease Tools

source: One Good Thing By Jillee

If you have grease on your tools, then simply add a few drops of dish soap to some warm and soak your tools in the solution, then start wiping to dry them.

15. Strip hair color

source: StyleCraze

If you dyed your hair and the result was darker than you eventually wanted, then simply wash your hair with some drops of dish soap to make the hair color a bit lighter.

16. Prevent the spread of Poison Ivy

source: Illinois Poison Center Blog

Poison Ivy is known for its ability to spread quickly. If you want to prevent it from spreading, start washing the suspected area with warm water and dish soap. Dish soap has the ability to break down oils and will definitely prevent them from spreading


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