Vicks Vaporub is famous for being able to help people with colds, chest pains, fevers, and some other things as well, but only a very few actually know that it can be used for weight loss and enhancing the looks of some parts of the body. A lot of people have claimed that wrap therapy helps with weight loss because it tightens the skins. Some claim that this method started gaining more fame in the ’80s and ’90s.
With this method, you don’t have to go to a SPA because you have your own with only Vick Vaporub and a plastic wrap. It doesn’t take much effort because you only have to rub VapoRub to your skin then wrap it using plastic wrap

1. Weight Loss
The ingredients that Vick Vaporub is made of can actually stimulate fat burning in some specific parts of the human body. Furthermore, VapoRub + plastic wrap causes sweating that eventually leads to water loss, and not fat loss but the result, in the end, is weight loss.
This method, however, causes weight loss but for a small period of time only, which means you can use it when you have a special event coming up and you can’t fit into your favorite dress.

Susie Ellis the SpaFinder president said the following: “I look at those slimming wraps like a spray tan,” and she also said: “It’s temporary, but sometimes that’s okay.”. However, if you want to use this method, make sure to keep water running through your body while doing wrap therapy because you are losing water weight.
2. Cellulite Reduction
Mix VapoRub with rubbing alcohol and baking soda. This mixture is going to help you reduce the cellulite appearance and of course, will moisturize your skin.
3. Stretch Mark Reduction

Vick VapoRub contains some oils that can help you to minimize the look of your stretch marks but don’t expect a lot of it because the oils can only soften the stretched skin and can reduce the dry appearance that is highlighted because of the stretch marks. This does not mean that VapoRub is not effective because until this day there is n cream that actually succeeded in those tasks.