4 Simple Tips For Making The Best Bacon Ever


I consider myself a bit of a snob when it comes to eating bacon. It’s always so disappointing when you’re out for a breakfast someplace, and your bacon arrives only half-cooked and without a very good taste. Fortunately, bacon is one of the easiest things to cook to perfection – so long as you know these tried-and-true tips!

1. Cook Using The Oven

source: A Family Feast

While many people choose to cook bacon in a pan on a burner or griddle, the best way to cook bacon is actually in the oven (400 degrees F is a good temperature). Not only does the oven cook the bacon more evenly, but it also makes way less of a mess

2. Use A Wire Rack And Baking Sheet

source: Wholesum Yum

My life has never been the same after learning about this trick. When cooking bacon in the oven, line a baking sheet with tinfoil. Place a wire rack on top of the tinfoil and baking sheet. This will ensure the bacon cooks evenly, but will prevent the bacon from cooking in a thick layer of grease. Genius!

3. Don’t Overcrowd

source: YouTube/Inspired Taste

This tip is key to cooking perfect bacon – don’t overcrowd the pieces. Leave a bit of space between each bacon piece so that each piece cooks evenly, and so that the pieces don’t end up all sticking together (I’ve had this happen to me way too many times).

4. The Flour Trick

source: SoupAddict

Now, you can still cook delicious bacon without using this hack. But this trick will really take your bacon to the next level. For perfectly crispy, crunchy bacon, lightly dust each piece in a bit of flour before cooking. This gives the bacon the most mouthwatering crispy quality. As if bacon wasn’t already delicious enough before!

Now that you know these simple yet game-changing tips for cooking perfect bacon, you’ll be well on your way to making even tastier breakfasts and brunches.
