41 amazing facts about the world you didn’t know about

  1. The stripped mole rodent can live without oxygen and is safe to malignancy
  2. In a normal lifetime, a person can walk multiple times around the equator.
  3. A lightning strike warms skin up to 50,000 °F
  4. Charles Darwin was the first who had the plan to join wheels to his office seat to move around quickly
  5. To tell a genuine precious stone, inhale on it if it remains clear, then it’s real
  6. Creatures stay away from electrical cables because they are terrified of bright flashes that the human eye can’t see
  7. The Gameboy surpasses all the processing power used to put a man on the moon.
  8. 99% of the world’s gold is situated in its center
  9. The whip’s tip breaks the sound barrier when whipped
  10. The 3 most sold items in mankind’s history are the iPhone, Harry Potter books, and Rubik’s Cube
  11. The tongue is the most grounded muscle in the human body
  12. The Hawaiian letter set has twelve letters that are An, E, I, O, U, H, K, L, M, N, P, and W
  13. A cockroach can live half a month without its head
  14. Nectar is the main nourishment that does not ruin
  15. Other than the 5 detects, you additionally have proprioception, attention to the situation of your body parts
  16. lighters were concocted ten years before the match.
  17. The Spanish word “esposas” signifies both binds and spouses
  18. Paper cuts are more agonizing than customary cuts
  19. Charging phones takes very little power that can cost up to a single dollar a year
  20. When you put on or shed pounds, your fat cells change in size
  21. Making ice shapes with faucet water will result in a white shape, but using bubbled water ends you up with a straightforward result
  22. If tapping on your mouse consumes a single calory, you have to click a mouse catch 10 million times
  23. 99% of the organisms that live inside people are obscure to science.


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