6 Reasons Why Lemons Are Essential For Your Beauty


4. No more dandruff

A lemon can be your friend in need when you have dandruff or even only a dry scalp. Make a blend of lemon juice, water, olive oil, and ginger. Rub this incredibly fragrant blend on your scalp and let your skin assimilate the blend until your scalp feels dry to the touch. At that point, in the event that you wash your hair with some cleanser, your dandruff is most likely a ton less if not totally gone.

5. Make a scrub

Have you been seeing those dry spots on your feet? Go on! Give yourself a lemon juice foot scour! Blend some lemon squeeze in with sea salt and scour your feet with it. If you feel that sea salt is unreasonably harsh for your skin, you can generally utilize some dull darker sugar. The clean gets somewhat milder with dull darker sugar. This sugar-and-lemon scour isn’t extraordinary for feet, it is likewise magnificent to use on your lips.

6. Skin, hair, and… nails?

Truly, you read that accurately. Lemon juice can likewise be awesome for your nails. Make a blend of olive oil and lemon juice. Let your fingers absorb this blend for fifteen minutes day by day for a couple of days. Your nails will get more diligently from this treatment. You’ll likewise find that they get an increasingly characteristic shading. A genuine lemon win-win circumstance.