6 reasons why you should start using Castile soap


4. Safe for Babies and Pets

Castile soap is made of natural ingredients and does not have any kind of chemical formulation. Furthermore, castile soap does not have any essential oils, which makes it a safe product to use on babies and pets (but it should not come in contact with their eyes because it’s no a tear-free product).

5. Environmentally Friendly

As mentioned before, castile soap does not have any kind of harmful chemicals, even the ones responsible for fragrances, foaming, and deterging. Also, castile soap does not have any antibacterial agents or petrochemicals, in fact, castile soap is a biodegradable product.

6. An Incredibly Versatile Product

Castile soap can be used for more than just hand washing, it can be used to clean hair and makeup brushes, clean floors, used as a laundry detergent, an all-purpose cleaner, a dish soap, remove pesticides from fruit and vegetables, and many other uses.


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