7 Smart Ways To Use Coffee In Your Garden


4 – Fertilizer coffee – Free, effective and easy to make liquid fertilizer

Coffee beans are packed with nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, copper and magnesium. Roses are one of the plants that love coffee grounds! Backyard growers like to use coffee grounds for roses because market gardeners still contain a high concentration of these nutrients. It is very easy to use coffee grounds as an organic fertilizer by making an effective liquid food. Put about half a pound of ground coffee in a five-gallon bucket, fill it with water and mix. Let it sit for a few days to allow the nutrients in the coffee to seep into the water. The resulting infusion is your liquid fertilizer. It is an excellent alternative to storing purchased chemical fertilizers containing harmful chemicals such as petrochemicals, arsenic and cadmium. Of course, unlike liquid fertilizers bought in stores, your homemade liquid fertilizer is free!

5 – use coffee in the garden to dye garden benches

After creating a beautiful edible organic garden, the last thing you need is a varnished or painted garden bench, which will leach toxic chemicals into your soil every time it rains or you water your garden! A simple solution is to use natural coffee grounds to dye your garden benches. Use ground coffee to get a nice sepia color that doesn’t contaminate your garden.

6 – grow your own oyster mushrooms

The coffee grounds used are an excellent substrate for these gastronomic delights! Oyster mushrooms are the easiest mushrooms to grow. However, most people grow them on pasteurized straw. However, if you use coffee grounds to promote plant growth, when you prepare your coffee, you automatically pasteurize the substrate of your mushrooms! All you need is a container with soil for your ground coffee and a few mushrooms to get you started.

7 – What can coffee be used for? – Keep neighboring cats away

Humans and cats don’t always think the same. While we savor the smell of fresh ground coffee beans and freshly ground coffee, cats are repelled by the same aroma of coffee! So, if you have neighborhood kittens (or your own cats) digging up your garden, try spreading ground coffee in the ground or around the edge of your garden! Last tip If you don’t drink coffee at home, or if you don’t drink enough coffee to supply the soil and plants for your garden, many cafes like Starbucks will give up their land for free! You can also ask any coffeeshop or restaurant you frequent to keep ground coffee for you and they’ll probably oblige you. You can thank them later by bringing them beautiful fresh flowers or fresh vegetables from the garden.