8 Mistakes Parents Make That Can Create Sociopaths


When it comes to parenting, there is no guide that works for every child. All children are different and some are more difficult than others.

We all make mistakes and even as parents, it is not avoidable. While what causes a person to become a sociopath is a bit complicated and not something we have completely identified, there are some mistakes we can make in raising our children that can contribute to their transformation in time. Although children are usually not identified as sociopaths until at least an adolescent age, they can develop problems and traits at a very young age that lead to something very damaging.

Below, I’ll go over some of the most common mistakes that can contribute to the types of traits and behaviors that lead to sociopathy and the like as a child grows. Are there mistakes you or someone else has made? Maybe changes are needed before it’s too late.

8 Parenting mistakes that can create a “sociopathic child”:
1- Not forcing them to figure things out for themselves.

Your children need to be able to think for themselves. The more you shelter them, the less “real” they will become. They need to be able to think and figure out how to move forward rather than rely on you for everything.

2- Allow them to react cruelly to things in their lives.
Your children who react cruelly need to be controlled. You need to remind them to be compassionate and to take care of the people around them. When they do something that hurts someone else, they need to know how they are hurting that person and what the problem is.

3- Allow them to get away with lying.
Lying should never be tolerated. Your children need to know that they need to be open and honest, especially with you. Don’t let them tell a lie and get away with it, keep them aware of their actions and if they are doing something they shouldn’t be doing, it needs to be addressed.

4- Don’t set limits on what they do or how they act.

We all make mistakes and even as parents, it is not avoidable. While what causes a person to become a sociopath is a bit complicated and not something we have completely identified, there are some mistakes we can make in raising our children that can contribute to their transformation in time. Although children are usually not identified as sociopaths until at least an adolescent age, they can develop problems and traits at a very young age that lead to something very damaging.

Below, I’ll go over some of the most common mistakes that can contribute to the types of traits and behaviors that lead to sociopathy and the like as a child grows. Are there mistakes you or someone else has made? Maybe changes are needed before it’s too late.

8 Parenting mistakes that can create a “sociopathic child”:
1- Not forcing them to figure things out for themselves.

Your children need to be able to think for themselves. The more you shelter them, the less “real” they will become. They need to be able to think and figure out how to move forward rather than rely on you for everything.

2- Allow them to react cruelly to things in their lives.
Your children who react cruelly need to be controlled. You need to remind them to be compassionate and to take care of the people around them. When they do something that hurts someone else, they need to know how they are hurting that person and what the problem is.

3- Allow them to get away with lying.
Lying should never be tolerated. Your children need to know that they need to be open and honest, especially with you. Don’t let them tell a lie and get away with it, keep them aware of their actions and if they are doing something they shouldn’t be doing, it needs to be addressed.

4- Don’t set limits on what they do or how they act.

Your children need limits, and limits make them more responsible and teach them how to act in general. Setting limits should be realistic and firm. Don’t budge on this kind of thing, ever.

5- Make them think they are better than everyone else.
You may want your children to feel special and there is nothing wrong with that, but teaching them that they are better than everyone else is not a good idea. We are all equal in this world and no one is more important than anyone else. Just because your child is your child doesn’t mean they should be allowed to run around crawling.

6- Don’t make them admit their mistakes.
Your children will make mistakes and they need to be responsible for their own actions. Over time, it is important to teach them to apologize clearly and directly once they have done something wrong. We are all human and we all have to go through these things in life.

7- Not taking the time to instill proper values in their lives.

We all need proper values and responsibilities. If you don’t teach your children compassion and kindness, will someone else? They need to see these things coming from you, the person they admire most.

8- Refuse to clarify the consequences.
Sociopaths never face the consequences of anything they do. They don’t care how things affect the people around them or what problems they face because of what they do. If you don’t set clear consequences while they are growing up, they won’t become adults.