8 Unexpected Ways To Use Tea Bags Around The House


5. Deodorize Carpets

Dry out a few tea bags after using them, remove the tea from the bags, mix it with some baking soda and apply it to stinky carpets. Leave it for half an hour then vacuum it. This will remove any bad odor from your carpets.

6. Remove Grease

Removing grease from baking sheets and pans can be a pain in the ass. But here is a simple method you can try out! Place a tea bag in the dish and fill it with warm water. Let it sit overnight. In the morning, you’ll notice that the grease has loosened and you’ll be able to clean it in a simple swipe.

7. Conditioning Rinse

If you want a smoother, shinier hair, make a strong pot of tea, let it cool completely. Then pour the tea on your hair and let it sit for 15 minutes. Shampoo and condition as usual.

8. Polish Wood

Soak a few bags of tea in warm water, let it cool, dip it into your wood furniture or surfaces then use a clean cloth to remove the residue. Enjoy the shine in your furniture again.


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