8 Very Useful Houseplants Every Home Must Have


Snake plant has a unique and outstanding look that makes it stand out amongst its fellow house plants. The best part is the fact that this plant does not require any kind of special attention, you only need to water it 2 or 3 times a month and that’s it. If your room is dim, then fear not because the plant can survive even in areas with low light.

source: SALAD DAYS

4. Lavender

Lavender is a famous plant because it’s used to extract the infamous lavender essential oil. The scent of lavender can help people fall asleep, that is why having it in your room is a great option. Lucky for you, lavender will provide an aromatic and relaxing smell, and it does not require a lot of watering (water it once the soil dries up), but it needs sunlight exposure.



Living rooms are like a showroom because they are usually the reflection of the artistic and creative ideas of the homeowners. Adding a plant to the living room can boost up the overall looks and vibe of the room.

5. Spider plant

The spider plant is one of the best plants that you can have in your living room because of its beautiful shape and long leaves. The best part is that you only have to water it once every 3 days (make sure to keep the plant out of indirect light).

source: HAARKON

6. Philodendron

Once again another beautiful plant with big leaves. This plant is a communicator because whenever it needs something it will show you signs. For example, if it needs less sunlight, it will turn yellow and if needs liquid fertilizer, it will sprout small leaves. Furthermore, the plant does not require much watering, just make sure that the topsoil is dry and that’s it.



The kitchen is an area made specifically for cooking and sometimes for eating as well. That is why if you want to have a plant in there, you have to make sure that it does not require much care.

7. African violet

Are you tired of the green color in your house and you want to have a special addition? Well, if you answered yes, then the African violet is for you because of its mesmerizing purple color. The plant needs sunlight, but it does not need much watering, simply once every two or three days (make sure to keep the soil moist).

source: PUREWOW

8. Rosemary

Rosemary can be a great addition to the kitchen because it is stunning and it does not require much watering. Make sure to water the plant once every three days and make sure to prevent the soil from drying out.