9 Surprising Yet Brilliant Uses For Vanilla


Vanilla extract, a common kitchen staple, is often associated with its role in recipes and sweet treats. However, this unassuming ingredient holds a treasure trove of surprising applications beyond the kitchen. In this article, we’ll unveil nine ingenious and unexpected uses for vanilla extract that will undoubtedly pique your curiosity and transform the way you view this versatile elixir.

  1. Vanilla-Powered Refrigerator Refresher: Vanilla extract, known for its aromatic prowess, can double as a refrigerator deodorizer. A simple rubdown of your fridge with vanilla extract or the placement of a vanilla-soaked cotton ball can work wonders in eliminating unpleasant odors.
  2. Aromatic Air Freshener: Immerse your living space in the soothing scent of vanilla by applying a drop or two of the extract onto a lightbulb. As the bulb warms up, it will disperse the delightful fragrance throughout the room.
  3. Taming Paint Fumes: If you’re painting a room and find the paint fumes overwhelming, consider adding a tablespoon of vanilla extract to the paint. This ingenious trick helps to tone down the pungent odor, making your painting endeavors more pleasant.
  4. Natural Bug Repellent: Vanilla’s versatility extends to repelling insects as well. A solution of one tablespoon of vanilla extract dissolved in a cup of water can be used as an effective bug repellent. Simply spray it on your skin to ward off mosquitoes and other pesky insects.
  5. Soothing Burns: Unexpected kitchen mishaps can lead to minor burns. When this happens, reach for your trusty vanilla extract. Applying a bit of vanilla to the affected area can provide instant relief from the discomfort associated with burns.
  6. Toothache Relief: A cotton ball dipped in vanilla extract can serve as a quick and convenient remedy for toothaches. Applying it to the affected area will bring relief in a matter of seconds.
  7. Swelling Soother: Got a pesky bruise or a swollen area that’s causing you discomfort? Vanilla extract comes to the rescue again. Gently rubbing vanilla extract directly onto the affected area can help reduce swelling.
  8. Label Residue Remover: Removing sticky labels can be a frustrating endeavor, but vanilla extract offers a simple solution. Soak the label with vanilla, and watch it peel off effortlessly, leaving no annoying residue behind.
  9. Vanilla Perfume: Why purchase expensive perfumes when you can create a delightful, natural scent with vanilla? Dab a touch of vanilla extract behind your ears and on your wrists for an alluring and unique personal fragrance.


“Incorporating vanilla extract into your daily life goes far beyond enhancing your culinary creations. From refreshing your refrigerator to soothing burns, repelling bugs, and creating a unique personal fragrance, these nine surprising yet brilliant uses for vanilla extract will undoubtedly enrich your daily routines in ways you never imagined. So, as you reach for that bottle of vanilla in your kitchen, remember that its potential extends far beyond the realm of cooking, promising a world of delightful surprises.”

SOURCE OF THE PICTURE :  trucs et bricolages