Natural & Easy Way To Remove Rust Stains From The Bathtub


Do you have a bathtub in your home, but you can’t use it because of how gross it looks? It might be clean and all, but just a little bit of rust might ruin the look. If you want to remove rust stains from the bathtub to make it look new again, we have a natural and easy way to bring it back to life.


  • 1 lemon (or lime)
  • 1/4 cup salt


– Start with squeezing a lemon over the rusty areas, then cover them with salt.

– Then, let the mixture sit on the rusty area for about three hours.

– And lastly, use a nylon scrubber to scrub the mixture off, the rust stains will diminish as you scrub.

Curious to know how this works? Well, it works because of the acidity from the lemon, and the soft abrasiveness of the salt.

Did you know that you can use this combination of lemon and salt for many uses in your kitchen? You can check them out here.