5 ways to prevent mold in a front-loading washing machine


Front-loading washing machines are a truly wonderful invention. They are so much more convenient for doing laundry, and they tend to fit more clothes than top-loading washers. However, front-loading washing machines can also unknowingly produce mold and mildew. To keep your washing machine free of mold and unpleasant odors, keep the following tips in mind.

  1. Leave the door open
source: LivingDirect

Because washing machines are constantly hot and humid, they are the perfect breeding ground for mold and bacteria. To reduce the humidity in your washing machine and prevent mold growth, leave the washing machine door open when not in use.

  1. Less is more
source: The Wirecutter

You really don’t need to use a ton of detergent to clean your clothes. Plus, the more detergent you use, the more likely it is that residue will build up.

  1. Clean the gasket
source: Tom’s Tek Stop

The main place where mildew forms in a washing machine is the gasket. The gasket is the seal that surrounds the opening of the washing machine, and the rubber liner attached to it is where mold likes to live, so be sure to clean under that rubber liner regularly.

  1. Less Dirt
source: Thrifty Fun / Shutterstock

In order to prevent residue build-up in your washing machine, you should choose a detergent that produces less suds. In general, powdered detergents seem to be less soapy than liquid ones.

  1. Cleaning Cycle
source: A Typical English Home

To clean your washing machine and prevent it from harboring bacteria and mold, pour a few cups of distilled vinegar into the machine. Run a hot water cycle (with nothing else in the machine) and it will be nice and clean afterwards.