Put on your perfume in the morning and you’ll still smell good at night with this Trick.


Wearing your favorite perfume can be a major confidence booster, even a treat – not so much when your scent fades before your morning meeting. It’s frustrating, we know. Looking to keep your scent under control all day? The solution is so much easier and cheaper than you think!

What you’ll need

Your perfume
Unscented Vaseline
First, massage the Vaseline onto your pulse points, i.e. your neck, wrist, or wherever you spray your perfume. Next, spray the perfume on the areas where you applied the Vaseline.

The trick is that petroleum jelly acts as a primer for makeup, locking in the scent and keeping your perfume fresh. Perfume doesn’t work on dry skin, so the moisturizing nature of petroleum jelly perfectly locks in the scent for a wonderful day.