7 Simple Ways To Declutter Your Kitchen


I don’t know about you, but the kitchen is the room in my house that sees the most action. I’m always cooking and even working on my kitchen counter, and sometimes the entire room looks like a tornado has blown through it. However, there are a few specific items you can remove that will help your kitchen look a lot less cluttered. Here they are!

1. Remove Fridge Decorations

source: The Hut

It’s incredible to see how much cleaner and organized your kitchen can look from doing something as simple as removing fridge magnets, drawings, notes, etc. from the fridge.

2. Store Cooking Utensils

source: Homedit / HWH

Even if you have them displayed in a vase on your counter, cooking utensils like spoons and ladles only create a cluttered visual. Clear out a drawer and store utensils there instead.

3. Shelve Cookbooks

source: The New York Times

It’s fine to display one or two cookbooks in your kitchen. But when you have all of your cookbooks out, it just creates more piles. Store cookbooks on a shelf in your pantry instead.

4. Remove Mail

source: Jones Design Co.

Most of us use our kitchen counters as a place to throw mail, flyers, etc. Sometimes, that pile will even sit there for days, weeks, and months. Get in the habit of sorting through mail as it comes, and don’t keep anything that you don’t need to.

5. Store Small Appliances

source: Sweet Pea

If you have a coffee maker, toaster, mixer, electric kettle, slow cooker, and more on your countertops, chances are your kitchen is looking way more crowded than it needs to be. You can keep a couple small appliances out, but try to store the majority of them in a cupboard or pantry.

6. Limit Kitchen Accessories

source: A Bowl Full of Lemons

There are so many cooking gadgets out there that seem like a great purchase at the time. But we rarely use them, and they only take up precious space. If you never use certain kitchen accessories, it’s best to donate them.

7. Streamline Your Pantry

source: Nina and Cecilia

A simple job with a big impact is to streamline your pantry. Keep spices in a basket, transfer bagged and boxed food to clear containers, and organize your shelves by food type.