Easy Bisquick Frosted Cinnamon Rolls


Sundays at our house is the only day it’s perfect acceptable to walk around in your pajamas all day long. Sometimes, we will have unexpected guests stop over. My husband will run and change really quick if he is obeying the PJs only rule, but I don’t even care. Come on in! That’s what I say. If you don’t want to see me in my jammies, don’t come over on Sunday, especially unannounced. Sundays are also the only time of the week that I get to feed my family a breakfast that comes from the oven or stove top.

The rest of the week, they have to deal with cereal, oatmeal, toast, or maybe a bagel if they are lucky. So, when I have the time to stand in my kitchen in my PJs, I’m doing it for sure. One of my favorite things to make is cinnamon rolls, so when I found these super easy ones on Chocolate, Chocolate and More, I knew they were going to fit right into the relaxing day.

These were almost as easy to make as those ones that you get in the can and pop open by slamming it against the cupboard. The flavor of these is so much better though. They go great with a cup of coffee or as an addition to a complete breakfast spread, which is what I usually do.

To Make this Recipe You’Il Need the following ingredients:

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