The color of your blood has lots of things to say about your period

Every girl and woman experience a period once a month that brings moodiness, headaches, cramps, and discomfort along with it. Yes, it is a tough period to go through but if you pay close attention you can figure out the health status you are in by just observing the smell, the menstrual flow consistency, and the color. In this article, we will take a look at what the menstrual blood color can reveal about your health.

1. Bright red

If the color of the menstrual blood is red, then there’s nothing to worry about and everything is totally normal.

2. Pink

If the color of the menstrual blood is pink, then it is a sign of low estrogen levels, and usually, the flow is light when the blood color is pink. If you notice the pink color several months in a row, then you should probably see a doctor.

3. Watery

If you notice a watery menstrual flow and a white-like color, then it’s probably a sign of anemia. If you notice this, then you should pay a visit to your doctor to do some tests and to make sure that everything is fine.

4. Orange

Orange color is not a normal color to witness during the period, and if it’s accompanied with a non-slippery consistency and a foul smell, then it’s a sign of STD. That is why you should head to a doctor once you notice the orange color.

5. Red and grey

A reddish-grey color is not a good sign at all especially if you smell a bad scent as well because it can be a clear sign of an infection and you should see a doctor as soon as possible after noticing that.

6. Dark brown

If you notice a brownish color or a shade of brown color, then there’s nothing to worry about because it’s only a sign of old uterus pieces finally out of your system. This color can be noticed occasionally and it is a completely normal thing to witness.

7. Dark red with clots

Dark red color with clots if noticed repeatedly, then it is a sign of a hormone imbalance. This happens because of high estrogen levels and low progesterone levels. In general, clots are normal, but if clots are larger than a quarter, then you should visit your doctor as soon as possible.

8. Dark red

Dark red is a color that begins to be noticeable towards the end of your period and it shouldn’t have large clots in it. This color only indicates that you are in the final stage of your period and estrogen levels are rising.

Knowing what every color means is a critical skill that you should have because it can end up saving your life someday.


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