10 effective ways to clean dusty surfaces

Dust is always a cleaning trouble maker that can get really messy in a matter of seconds. Dust gathers up in a fascinating and annoying way that disturbs many people. Vacuuming dust is what most people do, but it does not stop it from gathering up once more. That is why we present to you 10 effective ways to clean dusty surfaces.

1. Window blinds

Widow blinds build up dust very fast and after a while, they start looking really dirty from afar. There are two ways to solve this problem, the first and the most effective one is to make a duster by using a rubber band to attach a microfiber cloth to the thongs. The second method is to never close the blinds.


2. Ceilings 

If you are allergic to dust, then you should consider cleaning your ceiling by placing and securing a microfiber cloth on your broom’s bristles, then using it to sweep the ceiling. If you have a high ceiling, then you can stand on a table, or a step tool, but getting a broom with a long handle is also an option. This method is not going to work on popcorn ceilings

3. Popcorn ceilings

If you have a popcorn ceiling use the brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner to get rid of all the dust, or you can simply use a feather duster.


4. Whiten grout

If you leave your tiles uncleaned for quite some time, then the space between them will surely have dust and dirt in it. You can solve this problem by sprinkling baking soda all over the space between the tiles then spraying vinegar on top of it. Once done, use a scrub brush and scrub off all of the dust and dirt


5. Ceiling fans

Cover a fan blade with a pillowcase and start sliding it back towards to trap the dust particles in the pillowcase without causing a mess. Or if you don’t want to do all of the steps, wipe the fans with a cloth and clean your floor afterward because you will end up with a great mess.


6. Walls

Walls can easily collect dust and ignoring them can be really bad especially for allergic people. Use the brush attachment on your vacuum to clean the wall. The process can be slow and boring, but it is the best solution so far.


7. Car vents

Almost everyone forgets to clean their car vents when cleaning their cars, and the vents can get really dusty really fast and can blow the dust all over the car when activated. Cleaning car vents is really easy, simply use a foam brush to clean them and you can call it a day.


8. Light fixtures

If you have standing or hanging light fixtures or chandeliers, use a lamb wool duster to remove the dust and make sure to be gentle to avoid causing any damage to the lights. If you have recessed can light, you can use a damp cloth to get rid of the dust.


9. Wood furniture

Dusting wood furniture is one of the easiest things to do because you can use any duster type you want (feather, cloths, old shirts, lamb’s wool). Use any duster you want, but if the furniture is too dusty, make sure to dampen the cloth before using it.


10. Clean dust and gunk from the windshield

When cleaning windshields, people focus entirely on the exterior part of the windshield completely ignoring its interior. Well, the interior builds up residue, dust, oil, and body fluids, and for that reason, you should not ignore the interior.



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