A family of 5 transforms an old caravan into a dream home


The tiny house craze started a few years ago and it doesn’t look like it’s going to slow down anytime soon. It’s not easy to make the decision to simplify your life and live in a smaller space, but that’s exactly what one family of five (yes, five!) decided to do.

Ashley Petrone, her husband and their three children live in a renovated RV. From start to finish, it only took them three weeks to completely renovate it. The Petrone family has decided to live in the caravan on their own land, which will cost them little or nothing in the long run.

The caravan is so bright and spacious it’s hard to believe it’s a caravan. Use the arrows below to see what the kitchen looked like before Ashley and her family made magic – isn’t that patterned backsplash gorgeous?

While their tiny house is absolutely charming, it took the family a while to get used to it. Ashley is very candid in her posts about the camper and explains that it wasn’t easy to downsize to such a small space. However, the interior has a very practical design and is absolutely stunning.

Every detail of the caravan has been designed with practicality in mind. In Ashley and her husband’s comfortable bedroom there is storage space for clothes, which frees up floor space.

You might wonder how they fit three small children in this camper. They have triple bunk beds, of course! Each child has a garbage can at the end of their bunk for clothes storage. Although the Petrone family did not intend to live in the trailer forever, they knew they had the opportunity to do so while their children were young. Before long, they would be moving into a full-sized house.

Every detail of their tiny home, down to the outhouse, is absolutely charming. The patterns, the colors and the little details of the trailer make the place warm and inviting.

Ashley’s posts about RV living are refreshingly honest, unlike many of the other bloggers we see on a daily basis. She explains that there are good days and bad days, and that sometimes she feels ready to give up and throw in the towel. But in the end, Ashley loves the little house she and her family built together, and knows she’ll cherish those memories when they’re ready to move into their next home.