A repairman charges a woman $700 for air duct work, but he doesn’t know that experts are watching him.


Have you ever experienced the frustration of calling a repairman to your home for routine work, only to discover that a simple task has transformed into a costly investment? It’s a scenario that can leave you feeling vulnerable, forced to trust someone who may not have your best interests at heart.

Recognizing the prevalent issue of homeowner scams by technicians, the team at Inside Edition took a proactive approach by exposing these bad actors before they could take advantage of unsuspecting individuals. In a series of video clips, Inside Edition introduces us to the “House of Shame,” a fictional residence equipped with hidden cameras capturing every move of technicians – reminiscent of the approach in “To Catch a Predator.”

In this specific clip from the “House of Shame,” the focus is on air duct cleaning, typically a task handled by heating and air conditioning professionals. Inside Edition reporter Lisa Guerrero, accompanied by two air duct experts, discreetly observes as two technicians are called in for consultations.

The first repairman, after a cursory glance at the ducts, diverts his attention to something unexpected – the owner’s pool cue bag. A lackluster inspection is followed by an astonishing estimate of $700 for air duct cleaning, despite the experts knowing that a simple cleaning is all that’s required.

The second technician, while managing to perform some work, conveniently becomes less diligent when the “owner” is out of sight. Such behavior is not only unprofessional but also raises concerns about the integrity of the service.

To protect yourself from falling victim to air conditioning and heating scams, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research before parting with your hard-earned money. The Better Business Bureau recommends hiring technicians with stellar recommendations or positive online reviews. Additionally, insist on written agreements before work begins, ask for a copy of the technician’s license, and seek a second opinion if something seems amiss.

Even if a repairer boasts numerous 5-star reviews, consider taking a proactive step by requesting to retain any replaced parts. This simple measure compels technicians to uphold honesty, preventing potential pitfalls before they arise.

While tales of lackadaisical repair work are not uncommon, Inside Edition’s efforts shed light on the importance of vigilance. Witness the confrontations between Guerrero and the exposed technicians, showcasing the necessity of being proactive in safeguarding your home and finances.

image source: reddit/youtube