Curly sheets, as the kids call them in our country, are not exactly a cakewalk. Putting them on the bed is not a problem, but folding them is a very frustrating task.
It’s easy to give up. You crumple the sheets in a fit of fitted sheet madness and pile them in a dark corner of the linen closet. You tell yourself that their appearance in the closet doesn’t matter. You wonder what the point of folding them into flat rectangles is. They are not meant to be flat.
All that matters is that they fit on the bed. And that’s exactly why there are tutorials on the subject. With the help of this video from Garnet Hill, you can fold them into neat, crinkly, almost package-worthy bundles. Yes, it’s possible.

Ideally, you should take the sheets straight out of the dryer before they wrinkle. Try this method and, after a few practice sessions, you’ll be able to do it in 30 seconds, all by yourself. It’s all in the technique!
Place one side of the sheet on a flat surface (if you don’t have a folding table, you can also use the sofa or bed).
2-Flip It
Grab the opposite side and flip the curly corners onto your hands.
3-Shake them
Fold them into the top corners. Shake out the corners.
4-Bring it into shape
Bring the sheet into the shape of a square, smoothing it out as you go. Fold it into three pieces.
Fold the ends toward the center. Fold again to form a square.
If these written instructions are confusing, we understand. Since such instructions are usually better understood when you see them, it’s easy to follow them, and we promise you’ll succeed after a few tries.
If you succeed, it will be one of those moments that deserve to be celebrated and maybe even seen by an audience. After years of making your fitted sheets look like a mess, you will finally get things in order.
By removing the rolled up bedding balls from your closet, you’ll gain valuable space on your shelves. Bedding and towels will be stacked evenly. Save space and organize all your bedding by storing fitted sheets and flat sheets in their matching pillowcases.
If you can master this task, you’ll feel able to get everything done around the house. If you succeed, you can tackle other fun tasks like cleaning the fridge, washing the windows, and scrubbing the toilet! Ha!
More importantly, impress your mother and mother-in-law with your mastery of making fitted sheets. The disapproving looks will disappear. Break the record for the fastest folding. Or pass this skill on to your children so they can come into adulthood knowing exactly what the dreaded ruffle sheet is.
What do you think of this simple folding technique?
Are you a fitted sheet roller or a fitted sheet folder?