Black Woman Makes History as the Owner of a 5,000 Sq Ft Warehouse, Manufacturing Potent Jamaican Black Castor Oil


Nationwide – Melixia Bos, owner and CEO of Potent Jamaican Black Caster Oil, is making waves in the hair care industry with her unique line of castor oil products for hair care. With a family formula built by her late grandfather and her own 5,000 square foot warehouse, she formulates and manufactures a line of products to treat damaged hair from the scalp up. She is the first and only African American woman in the Chicago area to accomplish this.

Jamaican Black Caster Oil (PJBCO) products have been creating healthy hair for 13 years and have had a dedicated website for over a decade. In addition to the seaweed range, hair growth range and hair growth oil, the company offers Jamaican shampoos, conditioners, wholesale and private label schemes.

Jamaican black caster oil has become the latest hot product to dominate the hair care sector. However, Merichthia took a family recipe and perfected it with a unique preparation infused with her own essential oils and nutrients. The result is an aromatic, rich dark blend that brings new luster and length to damaged, thinning hair.

Like all great inventors, Merichthia created this product as a solution to a personal problem. Recognizing that current hair care products have always worked on hair, Merichthia remembered the castor oil remedy she used as a child. From long memory, she recalled fragments of her Jamaican castor oil hair care act, which her Jamaican grandfather had performed with great devotion, and applied it to her own hair. He learned that if his scalp was healthy, so was his hair. Combining family traditions with his new knowledge, this professional marketer decided to start his own company.

Powerful Jamaican Black Caster Oil still adheres to the traditional method of obtaining oil by roasting rather than pressing. This method produces a nutty undertone, a darker color, and the remaining ash helps fight dandruff-causing bacteria. Unlike other castor oil products, PJBCO’s products are backed by essential oils, vitamins, other natural nutritional solutions, and superior hair growth aids.

Merixia uses a combination of Jamaican castor oil and equally powerful seaweed. The Seamless Hair Series is an excellent blend of systemic aids. It is gentle on the hair and powerful enough to remove dirt and impurities and greatly enhance moisture.

While PJBCO is sold through Merichthia’s BDI business and brand, she also believes in spreading the wealth by enabling entrepreneurs to enter the multi-billion dollar beauty industry.

She accomplishes this through her wholesale and white label programs. The white-label structure allows people to buy large quantities of unbranded, ready-to-wear products and label them themselves. In the wholesale sector, she is able to source the finest Jamaican black castor oil from major brands and companies.

Many brands can boast of good products, but not many can boast of superior products while providing wealth to others. I wanted to focus on scalp care and create innovative hair care products that would improve all hair types,” said Merichia, explaining her drive to continue creating products. This led me to enter the business world, and now I am having a positive impact on the beauty industry.”