and pepper. Mix well with flour.

Season one side of the chicken with salt and pepper and place that side down on top of the flour mixture.

Then season the other side.

I’m almost done with the raw chicken. I promise.

Season well, dust with flour and place on a plate, meanwhile repeat baking the rest of the chicken.

Now you can start cooking!

Heat a large frying pan over medium heat and add olive oil.

And butter. A small amount of butter will give the chicken a nice golden brown color without completely smoking.

When all is cooked, add the chicken to the pan.

Cook until golden brown on one side. ……

Then flip and bake for a few more minutes.

You want the chicken to be nice and golden and crispy.

Place the chicken on a plate and keep warm.

Now cut the onions….

And some garlic….

Then put them in the same pan and heat over medium-low heat.
For the sake of all that is good and just in the world, do not clean the pan first. I want all the goodness to remain.

Heat for a few minutes while stirring.

Then pick up the wine. My friend April brought me a bottle of wine from Douglas County, Kansas, this and about 700 other bottles.
Who knew Kansas wine could be so good?

If you cook onions for a few minutes: …….

Pour in 1/2 to 3/4 cup of wine.

Warm it up and let it bubble….

Until the color darkens and reduces to half.
Hmmm. That’s where the flavor is.

Next, add the crushed tomatoes

Stir until everything is combined and cook over medium heat. The flavors will keep getting deeper and deeper.

Add a little sugar here. This will counteract the acidity of the tomatoes and balance the flavors.
Or something like this.

Add salt and pepper as well and simmer for 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Meanwhile, grate a bunch of parmesan cheese.
Then just serve the good stuff.

After simmering for a while, add chopped parsley to the sauce.

Add a little more parmesan cheese and enjoy.

When you stir it all up, get up and make sure what you make tastes good.
Because it’s so good.

Give the sauce one last stir and carefully place the chicken breasts on top.

Next, cover the chicken completely with parmesan cheese.

If this is wrong, please contact me at ……. I don’t want to be right.
I repeat this mantra many times a day.
Oh!!! Also, if I can get fresh basil, I sometimes lay a few leaves on the chicken before I put cheese on it. Give it a try sometime.

Then put the lid on the pot and let it simmer for a few minutes.

Hmmm. At this stage I’m wondering how the chicken is doing.

I always add cheese too. That’s how I do it.
Again, “too much of a good thing”.

Now all you need to do is sprinkle some parsley.

Ready to go!

Well, what do you think? You can put this chicken in a big sandwich if you like.

But for me, dinner is not dinner without some pasta.
I always sprinkle a little parmesan cheese on it. For good luck.

Then place a little piece of chicken breast next to the noodles.

and pour additional sauce over the noodles.

Guess whose dinner this is?
I’ll give you a hint: he is not a woman, he is not a child, and he castrates calves for a living.

And he is on his way to becoming a very happy man.
Please enjoy him. It really pleases me and I always enjoy doing it.