Clean your kitchen and more with Bar Keepers Friend


All of our kitchens have become dirty from use over the last six months. If you’re like me, you’ve noticed that all your pots and pans have cooking stains, your appliances are covered in grime and your silverware is rusting.

One of our favourite cleaners here at Lifehacker is Bar Keepers Friend. This powder is known for cleaning stainless steel (which it does incredibly well), but it can be used throughout the house (and even outside).

Before you clean anything with BKF, check the packaging to make sure it is recommended for use. Start by wetting your surface, whether it’s an oven door, sink or appliance face. Rub a little BKF with a damp sponge to form a paste. Leave for one minute. Then wipe with a damp cloth and dry.

This product works so well on stainless steel that it has removed rust from all my steak knives and eliminated years of build up on my pots and pans. It also removed scratches from my ceramic cereal bowls and repaired scratches on my car. I really doubted this claim when I first heard it, but I took the product out and smeared it on my car, and sure enough, the scratches were gone in a minute.