Clean Your Washing Machine To Keep Clothes Fresh


Washing machines remove dirt and germs from our clothes, but much of this dirt remains trapped in the machine itself. However, it is quite easy to clean your top-loading washing machine with some basic products.

Regina Yunghans of Apartment Therapy has written a great guide to help you clean and disinfect your machine. Adding vinegar and baking soda to an empty wash cycle disinfects the tub, but cleaning the fabric softener well or the crevices under the lid requires a little elbow grease and a toothbrush. It is not necessary to do this after every wash, but taking care of the machine every couple of months prevents dirt from accumulating inside and transferring to (supposedly) clean clothes. Don’t forget to refer to the source link for the step-by-step guide.

How To Clean a Washing Machine | Apartment TherapyMORE FROM LIFEHACKER

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